My first ever dedicated blog effort coincides with my liberation from the pedestrian shackles of perambulation.
Thanks to some deft financial finagling by yours truly (and the steady income of my terrific/employed girlfriend), bikes were bought. This involved a somewhat post-apocalyptic exploration of Solna's nether regions, but a helpful business-park-basement record store employee put us on the right track to Cykel Expo. This just happened to be the place that Jackie pointed out as a likely candidate for a bike shop (seeing as a young girl on a bike was sitting in front of the building); I was nonplussed, Jackie was magnanimous.
While we were certainly hoping for some sort of utopian variety of used cycles, our tastes could not be sated with a reasonably-priced two-year old . No, much like any well-to-do prospective adopters we were preoccupied with the newborns. Two fresh-framed black beauties, no doubt the pick of their respective litters. Built-in locks? Check. On-board generator? Check. Basket for fruit and candies and random street finds? Checkmate. These bikes were ours.
Stockholm is a fun place to bike around. The sun stopped shining the moment we made the purchase, and has not been out in force since. No matter. After my first solo tour this afternoon, I think the ol' 7-speed will be my new mode of transportation. Now I just need somewhere to go.
ps - Would it be a good idea to remove all the marketing from my frame? I think yes, but I'm taking suggestions. I thought about having stamps printed with photos of my friends, and sticking them all over my bike. Maybe not my best idea, but the best so far on this particular topic.
stickers are a good idea. I would recommend shellacking them on for added durability.
oh, and that last comment was me, Sam...I forgot I use my bowling name on my blog.
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