… and Nickropolis recently sent me a link about a guy doing matchstick sculptures (i forget his name and stuff, but it was from an article in the daily mirror, i think. Now, here is something with crayons. Why the hell not, right? It's fun to look at, and especially fun to know that this guy's title is Director of Collaborative Technologies in the Arts at Denison University in Granville Ohio. You know, the famed DCTADUGO (or, Dicta Dugo to initiates) post, probably famous in certain esoteric collaborative arts circles. Here is one:

It reminds me that I recently saw some new Lite-Bright kits for sale online. Im pretty sure it was from a Japanese company, as was the original more than likely. I would guess it was Hasbro. I will not be checking into that information, so if I am wrong then screw you.